Artist creates awesome pop culture peanut art sculptures

From Travis Bickle to Kobe Bryant, Steve Casino has created pretty incredible pop culture art out of peanuts.

Peanut art

You wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts! Most of us were raised on our parents’ rule that we not play with our food…but we were never told not to make sculptures with it. And that’s just what the visionary Steve Casino has made a living doing, creating tiny art and homages to pop culture using peanuts.

The Kentucky-based Casino has been going at his peanut art for quite some time now, appearing on Good Morning America back in 2013. During that special, he explained that his knack for legume art was sort of an accident, in addition to detailing what goes into turning a peanut into, say, Freddie Mercury. As for how long it takes Casino to complete a piece of peanut art, he estimates it to be around 5-10 hours apiece, meaning his Addams Family set could have taken upwards of 70 hours to complete (not including the much-smaller Thing): that’s the shelling, gluing, sculpting, and acrylic painting, not to mention the initial planning that goes into it.

Our own CEO Berge Garabedian got in on the fun as well, shelling out for a trio of peanut Fight Club characters: Tyler Durden, the Narrator and Marla Singer. Check ‘em out:

fight club peanuts

You can see the process for those works of peanut art below:

Outside of his official website, Steve Casino also shows off his peanut art – as well as his toys, caricatures and media art – on his official Instagram. Earlier this week he paid tribute to the late Paul Reubens by showing off both a peanut and a colorful woodwork of Pee-wee Herman.

If you want to have a custom piece of peanut art to decorate your office with, prices do vary according to various websites. Let’s just say it’s going to cost a bit more than a bag from the grocery store. But just think, you could spend all day digging through them but you’ll never find any that look like the Beastie Boys!

What do you think of the pop culture peanut art? Which movie or TV character(s) would you like to see Steve Casino create?

Source: Steve Casino

About the Author

2398 Articles Published

Mathew is an East Coast-based writer and film aficionado who has been working with periodically since 2006. When he’s not writing, you can find him on Letterboxd or at a local brewery. If he had the time, he would host the most exhaustive The Wonder Years rewatch podcast in the universe.