Categories: Movie News

Arnold Schwarzenegger says he’d “absolutely” run for President of the United States in 2024

As the American people barrel toward another presidential election in 2024, political figures have already started announcing their bid for the Oval Office. I am confident that the election will be a contentious event. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with a “what if” scenario before things turn ugly, right? According to action superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger, he’d “absolutely” run for President of the United States in 2024 if he were eligible. Unfortunately for the former Governator of California, the Constitution says you must be a natural-born citizen of the United States to apply for the position.

Appearing on an episode of Max and CNN‘s Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace, Schwarzenegger confirmed his desire to run, though he recognizes that it’s not in the cards. “The Constitution says that the President has to be a natural born US citizen. If not for that, would you have run for President?” Chris Wallace asked the Austrian-born American bodybuilder, film actor, and politician.

“Well, yes, of course,” Schwarzenegger said. “I mean, I think the field was wide open in 2016. And I think the field is open right now. I mean, think about it right now. I mean, who is there? There is really not a person that can bring everyone together. Who is here today that people say okay, he’s not too old or he’s not too this or too that, or is that because it’s now a question about who do you vote against then who do you vote for?”

Schwarzenegger, who served as the 38th governor of California from 2003 to 2011, is not the first Hollywood hulk to entertain the idea of a presidential bid. Dwayne Johnson said he’d consider entering the race on numerous occasions before walking back his statements in favor of sticking with his lucrative acting career. While Johnson has no political experience of note, Schwarzenegger is well-versed in politics, and it’s hard not to imagine a campaign where he sweeps the popular vote.

“You’re saying you would run for president in 2024?” Wallace said while angling for a scoop.

“Absolutely,” Schwarzenegger confirmed. “Put me in because it’s, look – it’s a no brainer. I see so clearly how I could win that election.”

“I mean, it’s like me and California,” he continued. “And when that was, you know, running for governor, it was clear that people are looking for some new answer, not a right wing or left wing, but someone that can bring the nation together and doesn’t see the other party as the enemy… There’s just so many things that need to be done. And can be done. And what makes it so wonderful is because it’s doable. It’s all doable, or at least it’s just people coming together and say yes, we can do it.”

If he could run, would you vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger in a presidential election? Would Arnold celebrate his victory by driving a tank through the White House garden? Feel free to let us know what you think in the comments below.

Published by
Steve Seigh