Categories: Movie News

Armie Hammer cast as the prince in one of the many Snow White projects

but surely, at least one of the three competing SNOW
movies is filling up its cast list, as the lead character’s prince
has now been cast in the Tarsem Singh (THE CELL) version of the Grimm Bros
fairy tale (currently untitled), and that prince will be played by none
other than THE SOCIAL NETWORK twin himself, Armie Hammer (great name!).
THE LOVELY BONES/HANNA star Saoirse Ronan is in negotiations to star as
the titular Caucasian precipitation herself. This version of the film has
already cast Julia Roberts as the evil Queen (natch!), while the other
version of the film entitled SNOW
, recently announced hottie Charlize Theron as
their wicked Queen and Kirsten Stewart as Snow White herself. A third
version of the film entitled SNOW AND THE SEVEN is still in the
development stages. Singh plans to start filming his version in May, with
a release date slated for June 29, 2012. So are you excited about any of
these films or would you rather see the J. Scott Campbell-ized versions of
these classic characters? (see below)

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