Categories: Horror Movie News

Are Nicolas Winding Refn, William Lustig & Larry Cohen eyeing a Maniac Cop prequel?!

You read that right folks. William Lustig, Larry Cohen and DRIVE director Nicolas Winding Refn are apparently developing a prequel on the classic slasher flick MANIAC COP, or so says the guys over at Digital Grindhouse.

The site recently had a chance to chat with Lustig and Cohen, who dropped the tidbit that Winding Refn will be producing alongside Lustig. Cohen offered that the new film would still keep the noir-ish comic book feel of the first three films. Here’s what else he had to say:

“It’s going to be more a prequel than anything else, I am really excited to come back to this world especially since Nick is going to be a part of it. Nick (Winding Refn) has been talking to us about it for a while now and I had an idea that would work so we’re going to do it. … with a bigger budget than the others have had.”

Lustig adds: “…the project isn’t 100% signed off on but it’s pretty close.”

Alright then… Works for me! Winding Refn completely blew it away with DRIVE so anything this guy wants to put his name on I’m pretty much sold with. Now like Lustig said this project is far from greenlit yet but you can bet we’ll keep a close eye on this one and when more comes our way we’ll pass it along to all of you.

Published by
Jared Pacheco