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Andrew Garfield talks The Amazing Spider-Man 2; may not return for fourth film

British actor Andrew Garfield has risen to fame thanks largely to swinging on webs in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (and also for squaring off with Justin Timberlake in THE SOCIAL NETWORK) and the star recently sat down with Yahoo UK to discuss the next chapter in the webhead's cinematic adventures, once again helmed by director Marc Webb. Garfield discusses crying during the first pitch for the film, the pitfalls of the first film, the direction of the sequel, and how the fourth film was news to him.

On crying at the pitch meeting for TASM 2:

“I sat with [writers] Bob Orci and Alex Kurtzman in a restaurant for lunch in New York, and they pitched me this movie… And I was crying. I was really emotionally moved by what they said to me. And I think a lot of my emotion was because these two guys love the character as much as I do."

On the disadvantages of the first film:

“I think there was something missing in the first one because our focus wasn’t on character as much we were trying to keep a number of plates spinning in the air – How can we reintroduce the character? How do we not upset this guy or this guy? That was a tough wasteland we had to move through.”

On whether or not he's onboard for the announced 4th film:

“I mean I’m under contract for another one after this… as far as a forth one? That’s not anything to do with me."

On the direction of the sequel:

“But yeah, I think what we’re doing here is we’ve established the world. And now we get to really play inside that world,” he added. Use our imagination, and kind of expand. That’s what this film is.”

Director Marc Webb also weighed in, saying that the rebooted series was always intended to be a trilogy, saying:

“We did think about these movies from the very beginning as a series of movies,” admits Webb. “Really a trilogy to be totally frank.”

I know there's a lot of complaints already about THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2, but I'm seeing more potential than downfalls. I love the Raimi films (okay, I love TWO of them) and was vehemently against another origin film with the reboot, but now that that's behind us I feel like the series can progress and get into some of the cooler aspects of the character (i.e. the formation of the Sinister Six and the likely demise of Gwen Stacy). I'm more optimistic this time around. In the end, none of us benefit from a bad movie, so my fingers are crossed that this one will surprise us.

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 hits theaters on May 02, 2014.

Published by
Paul Shirey