Categories: Horror Movie News

Aleksander Nordaas’ Thale 2 concept art strikes a cord

Aleksander Nordaas’ THALE is on the sequel path as the Norwegian Film Institute got word that the Nordic Genre Boost initiative has chosen seven projects that will each receive a development grant, and one of those seven was none other than Nordaas’ THALE 2. With the announcement of the sequel also came our first look at the concept art, which you can see above. I'm not entirely sure what's going on there, I just know I like it, so there's that.

Described as a fantasy movie, THALE 2 will mark Nordaas’ third feature film, and will deal with spellbinders and lurking creatures from Norwegian folklore. I never saw the first film, but apparently it was a huge hit in the international genre festival circuit, so it'll be interesting to see how a sequel is received by fans of THALE.

Nordaas will continue his collaboration with Bendik Heggen Stronstrand of Yesbox Productions with THALE 2. We'll have plenty more on this one as it comes in.

Published by
Ryan Miller