Alba’s Machete poster

Absolutely no secret that I’m jonesing like hell to see what Robert Rodriguez has in store for us with his full-length MACHETE, and one of those things in store is Jessica Alba as a ruthless manhunter. And surely a damn good-looking one too.

Folks lucky enough to attend this year’s American Film Market currently raging in Santa Monica were treated to a life-size promo poster featuring Jess looking like… well not really like Jess, but who cares, it’s MACHETE and she’s hot anyway.

The fantasy-inducing lady plays an “ICE” agent called Sartana, bent on capturing the tattooed Mexican. Lindsay Lohan, Michelle Rodriguez, Jeff Fahey, and Bobby De Niro join the fun, and so will we next April. Here’s part of that poster right down here, with the full version available through the folks of Coming Soon who snapped it. 

    Alba's Machete pose

Source: Coming Soon

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