Categories: Movie News

Adrien Brody set to play a poisoned CIA agent in action thriller Expiration

THR is reporting that Adrien Brody is set to star in an action thriller penned by BROKEN CITY scribe Brian Tucker titled EXPIRATION. The project doesn't have a director yet, but filming is scheduled to begin in March 2016 in Europe. Brody will also co-produce through his Fable House shingle. Corsan World Sales will deal with international distribution, with Paradigm handling domestic rights, and Corsan will be trying to sell the movie at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Per THR:

Expiration is a fast-paced action thriller detailing a day in the life of Bobby (Brody), a former tough rogue CIA agent, who upon waking up in a hospital bed after a failed hit, one last job away from finally finishing with this lifestyle, finds out he has been poisoned. With only one day to live, he goes on mission to retrace his last 24 hours.

While EXPIRATION sounds pretty run-of-the-mill, it could still end up being an entertaining flick with the right filmmaker behind the camera. Who do you want to helm the planned movie?

Adrien Brody was most recently seen on the big screen starring alongside Jackie Chan and John Cusack in DRAGON BLADE, and his newest movie SEPTEMBERS OF SHIRAZ premiered earlier this week at TIFF.

Published by
Jesse Giroux