Categories: Movie Trailers

A delightfully insane trailer for The Cabin In The Woods

The trailer for THE CABIN IN THE WOODS sets you up beautifully, lulling you into thinking you’re seeing just another slasher film. Let’s run down the list, shall we?

Kids on vacation travelling to a cabin in the woods? Check.

No cell phone coverage? Check.

Creepy redneck dude? Check.

Nothing planned but drinking and sex? Check.

A high tech force field keeping them hostage? Chec-wait, what?

It’s one helluva trailer, and you have to admire that they know just what kind of film lampooning but let’s hope the setup doesn’t take too long, since it seems like all the fun stuff happens later on. THE CABIN IN THE WOODS hits April comes from producer Joss Wheadon and writer/director Drew Goddard (CLOVERFIELD).

Published by
Alex Riviello