Categories: Horror Movie News

A couple deals with a horrific science experiment in The Honeymoon Phase

Everyone seems to have been in love at some point (sounds nice), and some have even taken the plunge devoting themselves to each other in holy matrimony! But you need more than love to survive this world, and sometimes that involves volunteering for sketchy sci-fi experiments for a quick buck that lead to psychotic breakdowns and horror shenanigans. Or is that just me?

Anyway, that's also the premise for THE HONEYMOON PROJECT, that released a trailer earlier this month, and recently received an official theatrical/digital VOD release date of August 21st! Here's the official synopsis:

Down on their luck and needing some quick cash, struggling young lovers Tom and Eve lie about their relationship in order to enter THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT, an experiment for married couples run by the mysterious Director and Handler. With the promise of $50,000,Tom and Eve must survive 30-days isolated together in a futuristic smart home, while the researchers attempt to determine why couples fall out of love. Over the course of their stay, Eve begins a violent decent into madness as she questions if her lover really is the man she thinks he is.

Meanwhile, THE HONEYMOON PHASE is directed by Phillip G. Carroll JR and stars Jim Schubin, Chloe Carroll, with Tara Westwood, and Francois Chau.

So what do you guys think? Would you join an experiment like that for quick cash? Either way sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske