Armie Hammer dropped from last remaining role amid assault accusations

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Armie Hammer, Billion Dollar Spy

It appears that all the studios that were once in business with Armie Hammer for upcoming projects have officially cut ties with the actor amid the recent assault allegations against him. The last role on the docket for the actor was the upcoming drama Billion Dollar Spy but it has been announced that Hammer has been officially dropped from the film. Hammer would've starred opposite Mads Mikkelsen in the movie.

Billion Dollar Spy is directed by Amma Asante and is described as a Cold War thriller. Walden Media, who is behind the project, did not comment further on Hammer's removal from the film. Being ousted from this latest endeavor is the last of a series of prominent roles that Hammer either departed or was removed from in the wake of assault allegations against him. The first acting gig that Hammer lost was a role in the romantic comedy Shotgun Wedding. The film would've seen him star opposite Jennifer Lopez but he was subsequently replaced by Josh Duhamel. Following that film, Hammer was dropped from The Offer, which tracks the making of Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather. This was soon followed by Hammer losing out on the Watergate series Gaslit, which would've seen the actor co-starring with Julia Roberts and Sean Penn. Following losing these high-profile jobs, Hammer was dropped from WME.

Armie Hammer is featured in one more high-profile role in the Disney/Fox acquisition Death on the Nile. The film, which was shot long before these accusations went public, has seen a series of delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was recently shifted to February 11, 2022. There is no word on what the studio plans to do about his role in the film and various reports indicate that Hammer, who is featured prominently with Gal Gadot in the film, won't be cut from the final film because it would be too difficult given the ensemble nature of the project and reshooting the project with a new actor also doesn't seem like a viable option. It would appear that they're hoping a lot of this will blow over by the time the film is released in 2022 when they will need to begin their marketing push.

Armie Hammer's career and personal life began to unravel after several women came out against the actor on social media. It began with one anonymous girl releasing alleged DM's from Hammer that indicated a desire for rape fantasies and cannibalism. Hammer denied that authenticity of the messages but it soon opened the floodgates for other women to make claims against him. Initially, the reports indicated the encounters he has with said women were consensual although they alleged a level of coercion on his part. Things didn't start getting really serious until one of the actor's former partners accused Hammer of rape that dates back to 2017. The LAPD is currently investigating the allegations but it should be noted that Hammer has denied the rape allegation and calls the claim "outrageous." Hammer has consistently maintained that any interactions with any of his past partners have been consensual. 

Do YOU think Armie Hammer's career can recover from the recent allegations against him?

Source: Variety

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