Alfred Molina got into trouble with Marvel and Sony after revealing Doctor Octopus return

Alfred Molina, Doctor Octopus, Spider-Man: No Way Home

Marvel Studios are notoriously tight-lipped regarding their productions. Everything from the script to the craft-services menu is kept under wraps, but sometimes things slip out. One major leak from Spider-Man: No Way Home came courtesy of Alfred Molina, who confirmed rumours that he would return as Doctor Octopus eight months before the movie was released. The actor told RadioTimes that this got him into a bit of hot water with Marvel and Sony.

I got into a bit of trouble over the last iteration because I happened to let the cat out of the bag quite innocently,” Alfred Molina said. “Just accidentally, I was talking to a journalist who said, ‘So, you know, how’s the Spider-Man movie going?’ And I went, ‘Oh, great thanks’. Then literally the next day, Variety was like, ‘Alfred Molina reveals Doc Ock returns.’” Molina said that got him into a lot of trouble. “I was getting phone calls from Amy Pascal,” Molina explained. “Kevin Feige was on the red carpet somewhere and somebody asked him about some Marvel movie and apparently he got a bit snippy and turned around and said, ‘Ask Alfred Molina’.

Following Alfred Molina’s appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home, there have been renewed rumours that he could return as Doctor Octopus in the Marvel Cinematic Universe once again, but Molina has learned from the last time around, saying that he “can neither confirm nor deny” the rumours. Smart man. The return of Alfred Molina as Doctor Octopus was merely one of many major surprises in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Despite the unplanned leak, the movie went on earn rave reviews and became the highest-grossing movie in the Spider-Man franchise, with $1.9 billion worldwide.

Source: RadioTimes

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.