Chris Pratt is no stranger to the strong opinions of those on social media about him and it looks like those opinions are continuing to grow stronger as the actor finds himself at the center of another social media debate. Pratt recently revealed some of his big summer plans during a recent appearance on the Smartless podcast and one of them is a long camping trip with his son Jack where he will show him 10 of his favorite coming-of-age movies. As Pratt puts it, “I’m going to show him these ten movies. I’ve got 10 days, 10 movies, it’s going to be the Coming of Age summer.” This honestly sounds like a pretty fun experience for father and son to share but once the list of movies that Pratt plans to show his nine-year-old son made the rounds, it ignited an R-rated movie debate on social media in regards to if it was ok for a kid his age to see those films.
Before we got into it, the movies that Pratt has on the list are, Rambo: First Blood, Dumb and Dumber, White Fang, Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, Rudy, Toy Soldiers, Red Dawn, Bloodsport, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. All classics in their own right with some of them being seen by myself when I was that age or younger. Hell, I was watching Hellraiser when I was five. My parents trusted me enough to know the difference between fiction and reality. The titles on this list that are Rated R included Bloodsport, Toy Soldiers, and Rambo: First Blood, which began the debate on social media about how appropriate it was for him to show his son these films because he’s so young. All sides of this debate chimed in. From the naysayers to those who said people needed to simply chill out. You can check out some of the responses below but let’s remember, Jack has one father and that’s Chris Pratt. He can decide what his son can watch and when it’s appropriate. Everything else is just a lot of vocal people on social media feeling the need to voice an opinion.
You can go on Twitter to find even more of these but I don’t see why people are getting so hung up on this. First, not our kid, not our problem. Secondly, for those saying these aren’t “coming-of-age films”, they might not be in the traditional sense but they are if you view them as a sort of right of passage of films you would see as you yourself came of age. I know I saw Rambo, Bloodsport, and Toy Soldiers either at Jack’s age or even before it. Growing up with those movies was a coming-of-age experience as I shaped my movie fan brain. At this point, it seems like we’re just living in an age where people will complain about ANYTHING.
What are YOUR thoughts on Chris Pratt showing his nine-year-old son some of these R-rated movies?
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