Nicolas Cage says Elon Musk inadvertently dashed his plans to build an $80 million film studio in Las Vegas

Nicolas Cage, Elon Musk, film studio, las vegas

Nicolas Cage had plans to build an $80 million film studio in Las Vegas but a little someone named Elon Musk came in and inadvertently dashed those plans.

Cage revealed on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that he attempted to build a film studio in Las Vegas and even secured the $80 million to get it done. So What happened? Entrepreneur and business magnate Elon Musk swooped into town and Las Vegas decided to put that money into the Tesla Corporation instead of Cage’s film studio

“I’ve had great experiences making movies there. Leaving Las Vegas was great. Honeymoon in Vegas is great. I’ve got good mojo there. I tried to get a movie studio built there and then Elon Musk came in, and all the money I got for the movie studio – I got $80 million – they put into the Tesla Corporation, which then ironically drained all of the water out of the city. But I almost got it, I almost got a movie studio.”

The actor resides in Las Vegas and the city has been the focus of some of his films, including Honeymoon in Vegas and Leaving Las Vegas, for which he won a Best Actor Oscar. When speaking about Vegas Cage said, “Vegas has been good to me, it really has. It’s both a small town and a big city. It’s probably one of the most unique addresses. If you want to go to the strip and participate you can. If you want to go with the locals and go to the cool restaurants then you can.”

What are YOUR thoughts on Nicolas Cage almost building a film studio in Las Vegas before Elon Musk came in?

Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live!

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