In-movie crisis number in Don’t Look Up is actually a phone sex hotline

don't look up, phone sex hotline, crisis number, netflix, leonardo dicaprio, jennifer lawrence

In case you wondering what would happen if you dialed the in-movie crisis phone number in Don’t Look Up, it turns out you’d be in for a very titillating surprise. According to a new report, the phone number that promises “peace of mind” actually belongs to a phone sex hotline.

In the film, two astronomers go on a nationwide press tour after discovering a comet is on its way to destroy Earth. Dr. Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) becomes the darling of the press and begins to eclipse the unpredictable Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer Lawrence). After Dr. Miny becomes a hit on a popular morning talk show, he goes on to appear in a state-sponsored PSA that is designed to calm the nerves of the anxious American public. The PSA ends with Dr. Mindy encouraging those who are worried about the impending doom of the comet to call a phone number that appears on the screen, which he says will bring “peace of mind.”

Well, according to NBC News, the phone number that appears during the PSA is no dummy number for the film and it actually leads you to a phone sex hotline. Several curious Twitter users first discovered the source of the number and stated when they called it, they heard a female voice on the other end informing them they’ve reached “America’s hottest talk line.” I’m assuming this may have been done on purpose by Adam McKay but, as of this writing, we don’t know if the inclusion of the number was intentional.

NBC News said that they called the number but were met with an error message and they believe that the business may have shut the line down due to heavy call volume from viewers watching Don’t Look Up. The film just broke the weekly viewing record for Netflix so that was potentially a lot of people giving the number a ring.

Did YOU try to call the in-movie crisis number in Don’t Look Up?

Source: NBC News

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