The Suicide Squad Interviews: John Cena, Joel Kinnaman & more

Last Updated on August 10, 2021

I loved The Suicide Squad. James Gunn's exceptional feature offers incredible on-screen talent, brilliantly selected tunes for the soundtrack, an excellent script, and gorgeous effects work. And so much more. The cast is perfection, and it's always amazing to see Margot Robbie completely embody everything that is Harley Quinn so perfectly. Seriously, this flick features one of the best ensembles gathered together in a movie such as this. We're talking about Idris Elba, John Cena, Joel Kinnaman, Michael Rooker, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, Mayling Ng, Nathan Fillion, Flula Borg, Pete Davidson, Daniela Melchoir, Sylvester Stallone, and so many more! I honestly cannot recommend this enough. If you are a James Gunn fan, this will be one hell of a cinematic treat.

In addition to talking with Mr. Gunn, we had the opportunity to chat with John Cena and Joel Kinnaman. The two are fantastic in the new film, and they opened about their involvement in this massive new feature. It was terrific hearing Mr. Cena offer a little love to Judd Apatow and Amy Schumer for giving him the chance to play such a comedic character in Trainwreck. And yes, he's fantastic in this. Joel opened up about being one of the few actors to star in both this and the 2016 feature. He's one of the most down-to-earth and genuine actors around, and he is excellent in this. Frankly, I enjoyed him in the 2016 film, but the expansion of the role is utterly satisfying.

Sitting on my Mac, speaking to Nathan Fillion, Jai Courtney, and Flula Borg is an awesome experience. While I did ask the three of them how they brought such life to their characters, Courtney quickly added that this wasn't his first time, of course. However, he gave one of the most fun and original answers he could. It's always terrific to speak to Mr. Courtney. At one point, Mr. Fillion added a question about how both Jai and Flula found working with James Gunn. To this, I asked Nathan about how this incredible filmmaker has changed throughout the years. It was the answer I was hoping to hear. It's a beautiful thing to see someone that talented allowed to explore their vision. He had that chance here with astounding success.

I've watched The Suicide Squad twice thus far, and I'm going again. Rarely do I say this, but pretty much all of you are going to love this flick! Check it out in theatres – because it's gorgeous on a massive screen – or HBO Max on August 6. Or do what I'm planning on doing and do both, repeatedly. You won't be disappointed!


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3173 Articles Published

JimmyO is one of’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.