Top 10: Cut off fingers #2

Last Updated on July 27, 2021

Written By Serena Whitney:

When I had attended this year’s 1st annual
Toronto After Dark Film Festival, I watched this short by Dave Mcgrath
entitled, Disfingered. (Check out the short’s website here:
). It was about a man who keeps waking up
each morning with one of his fingers cut off. 

My friends made fun of me for being so creeped out by
it, but it was that short that made me realize how squeamish I am by seeing
fingers getting hacked off.  I know I’m not the only one out there either
who feels the same way, which is why I decided to do this week’s top ten on
moments that always send chills up my spine.  Thanks Dave for the



House of Wax (2005)

Think what you want about
this so-so slasher remake, but you can’t tell me you weren’t somewhat
shocked or surprised when you saw Elisa Cuthbert’s finger get clipped off. 
It caught me off guard, because in most slashers, you hardly see the leading
lady get hurt like that. She may get roughed up a bit and go catatonic, but
by the end of the night, all of her digits are usually in tact.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

If you’re a fan of this film,
you know exactly what scene I’m talking about, since it’s the scariest f*cking
scene in the movie.  During the Tina chase sequence, Freddy pops up from behind
a tree, calls Tina’s name and proceeds to cut off one of his fingers with his
infamous Gansu knife glove.

This causes green blood to
spurt out of the wound. I used to wonder why that was written in the script,
and then I realized it’s because there’s other squeamish audience members
like me who would be completed freaked out by seeing that. Good job, Wes for
freaking us squeamish p*ssies out.

Wolf Creek

This movie was
very disturbing, but the surprising death scene of the lead heroine turned
victim will forever be locked in my memory.  The Aussie Killer just slices her
fingers off in one swift gesture and then sticks the knife in her spine.  It was
a hard scene to watch, especially knowing it could have happened in real life,
since the movie was based on true events.


A movie with
sliced Achilles tendons, clipped off eyeballs, mutilations, a bloody train
wreck… and its the sawed off fingers are what got me the most. (That and
when Paxton cuts off the doctor’s fingers at the end.)  The “tamest” part of
the gore sequences, and it got me. I’m such a wimp. Please Mr. Roth, no more
dis-fingered moments in Hostel 2!


Many of you
may not have even heard of this film starring Ewan McGregor and Patricia
Arquette, (rent it if you can find it!) but it has one of the most chilling
scenes I have ever seen before in a thriller.  When Josh Brolin’s character
gets handcuffed to a table by the killer, he makes the brave decision to cut
off his own thumb to get out of the situation.  I still can not watch this
scene entirely to this very day.  I always thought the filmmakers of Saw
were influenced by this scene, but I guess great minds think a like.


Source: AITH

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