Cool Horror Gear: Alien Facehugger dog leash

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Sure, why the hell not? Gotham City FX has a customized dog leash for anyone who happens to be a fan of walking dogs and face-hugging aliens. The ALIEN facehugger dog leash is designed to fit small to medium sized dogs and connects with velcro around the neck and chest of the dog, securing the facehugger to your pet's back.

The leash is hidden within the tail of the alien and is made up of a light-weight durable mesh, ending with a loop so you can guide your dog with skill and precision when it takes a hot shit on your neighbor's lawn. Good boy. What they don't tell you, though, is that apparently the leash turns your dog into a stuffed animal. Weird.

Strapping an alien to the chest of your dog will cost you $150.00. Which, in my opinion, is a small price to pay to insure that you have to the coolest dog in the universe. Head over to their website for more info!

Facehugger Dog Leash Facehugger dog leash

Source: Gotham City FX

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