New trailer for Batman: Arkham City shows off the video game’s feline side

Here’s a surprise! Not only will we be able to kick, punch, and batarang the seedy denizens of Gotham as the Caped Crusader in the hotly anticipated video game sequel “Batman: Arkham Asylum”, we’ll also be able to whip, claw, and be all-around sexy as The Dark Knight’s very own femme fatale, Catwoman.

Courtesy of GameSpot, a brand new trailer is now available showcasing the new playable character. Catwoman’s role in the story is still unknown, but as far as gameplay goes, she will reportedly have her own move sets and gadgets, distinct enough from Batman’s that it’ll allow for a different overall experience while playing the game. I can’t wait!

“Batman: Arkham City” hits PC and consoles on October 18th.

Source: GameSpot

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