Did Idina Menzel let slip that Frozen 2 is coming our way?

Last Updated on August 5, 2021


FROZEN has pretty quickly divided people into the love it or hate it camp, so this headline either has you sitting up in your seat or rolling your eyes. In any event, I'd say that the idea of a FROZEN sequel is no great shocker, considering the billion worldwide gross of the first. While the short, FROZEN FEVER, is still on the way, Elsa herself (Idina Menzel) was recently asked about the plans for the stage show and inevitable sequel. Her response may have let slip what she didn't know wasn't announced.

Idina Menzel on her involvement on the stage show and sequel:

Not the stage show – I don’t know what will happen with that – but the movie hopefully. We’ll see. I’m just going along for the ride

Before anyone gets too excited, in a more recent interview with Today, she actually downplayed the fact that a sequel is coming.

Menzel on her previous comment:

You know, I have no idea. I just assume because it's so successful, that that's what they're up to.

So, is she playing coy or did she make an honest mistake? Frankly, I don't think it matters. Money talks and $1 billion dollars is a lot of talking. What I'm more interested in is if a sequel will have any kind of backlash. See, I didn't see anything on FROZEN before it hit theaters and snowballed into the marketing frenzy it is now. When you take a film and smother people with it, it tends to have an adverse reaction. So now that it's "out there", will the second even be as a popular as the first? And that's not even taking into the account the story! I say Disney should let this one go for a little while before trying to hype up a sequel, but what do I know?

The six-minute short FROZEN FEVER hits in Spring of 2015.

Say what you will but Kristen Bell owns this!

Source: The Telegraph, Today

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