Wonder Woman goes to war in new TV spots

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

In a tad bit over two months we will finally watch the legendary Wonder Woman own the show in her very own movie. Gal Gadot rocked it as the hero in BATMAN V. SUPERMAN, and will probably crank it up to a new level in her solo outing. Among many other things the movie is promising to have tons of battle scenes against the backdrop of World War I, and much of that combat is the focus of these two new TV spots, which will give you your WOMAN fix and more going into the weekend.

Unlike with most TV spots I get the sensation that I’m actually seeing something new, as if I was watching a brand new trailer. Obviously not everything is different, but there are new character interactions and battle moments that offer a fresh glimpse at the upcoming superhero epic. WOMAN’s action scenes look like no joke, especially the No Man’s Land sequence. Those soliders picked the wrong warrior woman to mess with.

WONDER WOMAN will take names on June 2.

Source: Warner Bros.

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