Avengers: Endgame toys sport new looks at Thanos, Ronin, Hulk and more

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

avengers endgame, toys, marvel

We are officially in the month of April, and AVENGERS: ENDGAME is drawing closer and closer by the second with less than a month to go. We can’t count on anything new coming out that gives us any sort of hint into how the battle between the remaining Avengers and Thanos will go, but now we have a new look at the line of toys coming out that, at the very least, give us a look at the characters’ updated costumes. That means new looks at Thanos, Hulk and Hawkeye taking on the role of Ronin, switching out his bow for a sword.


Marvel Studios has unveiled a look at a wide variety of toys set to be released, including Legos and action figures, which comes after Funko revealed their look at the series of ENDGAME figures yesterday. With these, we get a new look at the characters, like War Machine in his very own Hulkbuster armor which is no doubt loaded with every piece of weaponry you can fathom. Talk about a weapon of the Thanos-killing kind.

Taking a look at some of the Legos, we get a tease of some of the set pieces the movie may have in store, like one arrangement called the “Compound Battle”, in which Iron Man, Nebula, Ant-Man, and Captain Marvel fight off Thanos and his minions at Avengers HQ.


After that, we have a series of action figures, with some of the characters being paired up with one another, like Captain Marvel and Captain America (naturally), and Thor and Rocket Racoon. After that, there’s more to look at from the Funko line, including ones for Black Widow, a rather mature-looking Hulk and virtually every other character in the movie.

The most impressive reveal involves the Thanos piece from Hot Toys, the lifelike figure featuring the character back in his impressive armor (taken off the scarecrow mantle) and donning a deadly new weapon. The double-sided blade pair nicely with the look of the gauntlet, which he may not be using as much anymore given he already snapped his figures and dusted half of all existence in the universe.

So what do you think of the toys? Are you gonna grab some of these for yourselves or the young ones in your family? This will be far from the only merchandise that will come with the release of the movie, so best prepare the checkbook now.

AVENGERS: ENDGAME is in theaters April 26.

Source: via EW

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