Detective Pikachu reactions praise the adorable, heartfelt live-action flick

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

detective pikachu, reactions, pokemon

This week the Avengers will begin their box office domination, the first potentially huge movie of May, POKEMON: DETECTIVE PIKACHU, will look to take the crown away and hit the top of the charts. The first live-action Pokémon movie is bringing to life the iconic series in ways no one has ever seen before, and there’s a ton of pressure for it to be the very best. Several critics and journalists were on hand to watch the movie before the rest of us have, and now they’ve taken to social media to throw all their love, praise and hugs at this movie that apparently hits all the notes to be a big ol’ hit.

Many of the journalists, including our own Paul Shirey, walked out of the movie completely in love with the world of Pokémon, with the new movie starring Ryan Reynolds as the title yellow sleuth and Justice Smith as his human companion acting an adorable, funny and heartfelt start to what could be a massive cinematic franchise. Not only will fans of the video game and anime series love every moment as they try to find all the easter eggs and track down the *hundreds* of Pokémon, but the reactions say even non-fans will find something to love, especially the adorable Pikachu at the center.



Again, these are just the early reactions and we will have to wait a bit before the reviews start to hit, which shouldn't be too long if everyone is already falling in love with the movie. Video game-based movies often have a bad rep at the box office and with critics, but DETECTIVE PIKACHU will likely buck the trend. Already I can see it being the best of the bunch, and analysts are placing it on track for a nigh-$100 million opening weekend, as it goes on to become the highest-grossing VG adaptation of all time. Keep in mind, these expectations were in place *before* these good reviews came out.

POKEMON: DETECTIVE PIKACHU hits theaters May 10.

Source: Twitter

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