Categories: Movie News

1 more joins TF2

Matthew MarsdenMatthew Marsden Casting for Michael Bay’s currently filming TRANSFORMERS sequel has slowly been trickling onto the internets with “The Office” uber-geek Rainn Wilson being the latest addition to the warring robots follow-up. And now “MTV Movies Blog” tells us that up and coming British actor Matthew Marsden, who was last seen disemboweling Burmese militia alongside Sylvester Stallone in RAMBO, has joined the cast as “Graham”, a British Special Forces soldier fighting the villainous Decepticons alongside Josh Duhamel’s and Tyrese Gibson’s characters. They further mention that so impressed was the almighty detonation czar (that’s Bay, of course) with Marsden’s acting, he expanded his role. The rest of the gang, including Shia The Beef, Megan Fox, and John Turturro are all back for a second go-round of Decepticon ass whopping, which we’ll get to see on June 26th next year.

Published by
Omar Aviles