Ridley is Forever

A lot of people have been hating on Ridley Scott these days. Reviews for BODY OF LIES have been lukewarm, calling the legendary director such bad names as “over indulgent” and “over weight”. And let’s be honest, the guy hasn’t had a bonafied hit since GLADIATOR which was released like 50 years ago or something.

That’s why he and all his fans should rejoice today, as it has been announced that Ridley is going back to doing what Ridley does best. That’s right. Ridley is doing Sci-fi. After giving us two tomes in the modern sci-fi cannon with BLADE RUNNER and ALIEN, Ridley Scott planned on directing THE FOREVER WAR, Joe Haldeman’s 1974 novel about a soldier who battles an enemy in deep space for only a few months, only to return home to a planet he doesn’t recognize some 20 years later. The project was lost in development hell and thus never made. Thank god development hell is not real hell in that it doesn’t last forever. Ridley is set to direct the film after NOTTINGHAM which is a good thing because it sounds awesome.

Source: Variety

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