Lionsgate to release Syfy’s Goblin on DVD in July

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Lionsgate will release GOBLIN on DVD on July 26. Cover art and special features have not yet been revealed. The Syfy original movie premiered to more than 1.5 million viewers last year. It is described as being in the tone of LEPRECHAUN and LABYRINTH. Here is the plot:

Each Halloween night, the small town of Hollow Glen is visited not by trick-or-treaters but by a creature known as The Goblin. In what began as a harmless fall festival ritual, local farmers threw their diseased crops into a large bonfire to bless the soil for the following year. But in 1831, a troubled couple took the ritual too far, and threw their sickly, deformed child into the fire. Out of the ash arose something evil, and the Goblin now stalks the town intent on capturing infants and murdering anyone in its path each year. This time, the Perkins family finds themselves as the target of the terror.

The flick is directed by Jeffery Scott Lando (DECOYS 2) and written by Raul Inglis (THE KILLING MACHINE). It stars Gil Bellows, Camille Sullivan (below), Donnelly Rhodes, Camille Sullivan, Reilly Dolman, Colin Cunningham and Andrew Wheeler.

Source: AITH

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