Last Updated on July 27, 2021
Way back in July I showed you all the trailer for CANNIBAL SUBURBIA. In case you missed that, let me tell you all exactly what CANNIBAL SUBURBIA is…
Actually it seems like a pretty twisted flick. Just from the trailer and little media available, I can tell CANNIBAL SUBURBIA is going to be one of those “… wtf did I just watch?…” movies. And there’s nothing wrong with that!
The guys over at Pleasant Productions dropped us an update for the flick today. Apparently the movie has scored a premiere! It’ll be making it’s debut at the Melbourne Underground Film Festival in Melbourne, Australia. Awesome! MUFF is described as one of the decent genre festivals in Australia, so this is some sweet news for CANNIBAL SUBURBIA.
Here’s the intriguing synopsis MUFF gives us for CANNIBAL SUBURBIA: Plenty of sick fun spewed up here in three tales of suburbandegradation that are told in order to keep a guy with ping pong balls for eyes from vomiting. After lovingly preparing a meat shake for his gimp/pal during the opening credits, the black and white make-up wearing Donkey Punch Disco decides to read out several stories from the book that gives this no-budget epic its title. First up and featuring the most amount of cast is a story involving a little old lady hanging out to score, two vicious pre-pubescent girls, Susanne (DEFENCELESS) Hausschmid as a hooker, and much partying. Despite several deaths it’s the little old lady who comes out worst for wear. Story two revolves around a pair of pranksters, cannibalism and a guy and his doppleganger. Lastly we get to catch a glimpse of our storyteller and his pal in performance as it degenerates into a guy getting caught in a BOY MEETS GIRL situation (which it references). Then it’s back to the framing story to witness a guy getting beaten with a cricket bat before giving it a real crappy ending. Hilarious and revolting CANNIBAL SUBURBIA will simultaneously make you laugh and puke.
I don’t know. I really have no idea what to say about that synopsis… except that it sounds like something I’d like to see! Right? The movie comes from the duo of David Jackson and Jean-Luc Syndikas. It stars Rob Alec, Nick Barry, Ned Valent, David Jackson, and Simon J. Green.
CANNIBAL SUBURBIA will be making it’s debut this Friday, October 10 at 11 PM at the MUFF. If you head over here you can check out an article in an Australian paper about the flick. Check out Pleasant Productions MySpace over here and above we’ve also got an early look at the first poster for the movie… I’m definately a fan! Click for a bigger shot. Keep it here for any more updates on CANNIBAL SUBURBIA as we hear them, in the mean time go ahead and check out the trailer again below.
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