It seems people refuse to believe that Arnold Schwarzenegger won’t be appearing in the upcoming McG directed, Christian Bale starring TERMINATOR WITH THE STUPID TITLE.
First, there were rumors that he would be reprising his role from the previous films, then he was just gonna cameo and then he was just gonna be mentioned or something. Now, someone sent “Latino Review” some information that Schwarzenegger’s character would be back, motion captured by another actor with Schwarzenegger’s face being plastered on said actor and Arnie providing the voice over in post. Here’s exactly what the scooper said:
I have various contacts in WB and from what i’ve been told the fans are in for a treat. The premise of Arnie’s involvement is to have a fully rendered digital face of Arnie replacing the recently cast Roland Kickinger (The Younger version of Arnie). It seems the Director Mc G will no doubt try all he can to ensure the Governator has some sort of involvement and as a result Arnold was on set providing key ADR (Voice over) for the visual effects guys to reference during post production.
The scooper offers the picture to the right (which you can click through to see in full) as proof that he was on set. So he couldn’t just be visiting the set considering the Terminator is a character he helped make iconic and thrust him into international superstardom? No, that’s not…no?
Ok, he’s there to record voice over to go with a digital rendering of his face on a younger actor playing his iconic character from the previous films. Definitely.
Read the rest of the report over HERE . TERMINATOR: WILL HE OR WON’T HE? opens May 22nd of next year.
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